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Um conjunto de dados público sobre treinamento de corrida de longa distância em 2019 e 2020

Afonseca LA, Watanabe RN, Duarte M. 2022A worldwide comparison of long-distance running training in 2019 and 2020: associated effects of the COVID-19 pandemicPeerJ 10:e13192 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13192.
This dataset contains 10,703,690 records of running training during 2019 and 2020, from 36,412 athletes from around the world. The records were obtained through web scraping of a large social network for athletes on the internet.
The data with the athletes’ activities are contained in dataframe objects (tabular data) and saved in the Parquet file format using the Pandas library, part of the Python ecosystem for data science. Each Pandas dataframe contains the following data (as different columns) for each athlete (as different rows), the first word identifies the name of the column in the dataframe:
– datetime: date of the running activity;
– athlete: a computer-generated ID for the athlete (integer);
– distance: distance of running (floating-point number, in kilometers);
– duration: duration of running (floating-point number, in minutes);
– gender: gender (string ‘M’ of ‘F’);
– age_group: age interval (one of the strings ’18 – 34′, ’35 – 54′, or ’55 +’);
– country: country of origin of the athlete (string);
– major: marathon(s) and year(s) the athlete ran (comma-separated list of strings).
For convenience, we created files with the athletes’ activities data sampled at different frequencies: day ‘d’, week ‘w’, month ‘m’, and quarter ‘q’ (i.e., there are files with the distance and duration of running accumulated at each day, week, month, and quarter) for each year, 2019 and 2020. Accordingly, the files are named ‘run_ww_yyyy_f.parquet’, where ‘yyyy’ is ‘2019’ or ‘2020’ and ‘f’ is ‘d’, ‘w’, ‘m’ or ‘q’ (without quotes). The dataset also contains data with different government’s stringency indexes for the COVID-19 pandemic. These data are saved as text files and were obtained from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-stringency-index.
The Jupyter notebooks that we created and made available in the https://github.com/BMClab/covid19 repository exemplify the use of the data.

The data set is available at Figshare DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16620238.v5