BMClab datasets
BDS: Um conjunto de dados públicos de avaliações de equilíbrio humano
This data set comprises signals from the force platform (raw data for the force, moments of forces, and centers of pressure) of 163 subjects plus one file with information about the subjects and balance conditions and the results of the other evaluations. Available at PhysioNet (DOI: 10.13026/C2WW2W) and at figshare (DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3394432).
RBDS: Conjunto de dados públicos de biomecânica da corrida
Fukuchi RK, Fukuchi CA, Duarte M. (2017) A public dataset of running biomechanics and the effects of running speed on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics. PeerJ 5:e3298 Este conjunto de dados compreende a cinemática e cinética da corrida (dados brutos e processados) da extremidade inferior de 28 sujeitos (em diferentes formatos de arquivo, c3d e txt). Um arquivo de …
WBDS: Um conjunto de dados públicos de cinemática e cinética do andar no chão e esteira de indivíduos saudáveis
Fukuchi CA, Fukuchi RK, Duarte M (2018) A public dataset of overground and treadmill walking kinematics and kinetics in healthy individuals. PeerJ 6:e4640; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4640. PubMed. O conjunto de dados compreende dados brutos e processados (em formatos c3d e txt) e a cinemática e os sinais cinéticos da pelve e dos membros inferiores de 42 voluntários saudáveis (24 adultos …
PDS: Um conjunto de dados com cinemática e forças de reação do solo do equilíbrio humano
This data set comprises signals from two force platforms (raw data for the force, moments of forces, and center of pressure) and the full-body three-dimensional kinematics of 49 subjects plus one file with meta data about the subjects and balance conditions and the results. The data set is available at Figshare DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4525082 and described in the companion paper (Santos DA, Fukuchi CA, Fukuchi RK, Duarte M. (2017)).
GEDS: Conjunto de dados de sinais inerciais, magnéticos, contato pé-solo e eletromiográficos durante andar
Miraldo DC, Watanabe RN, Duarte M (2020) An open dataset of inertial, magnetic, foot-ground contact, and electromyographic signals from wearable sensors during walking. Motor Control. The dataset consists of all the data of the 22 healthy subjects plus one subject with foot drop. The data are stored in ASCII (text) format and can be downloaded …
Um conjunto de dados público sobre treinamento de corrida de longa distância em 2019 e 2020
Afonseca LA, Watanabe RN, Duarte M. 2022. A worldwide comparison of long-distance running training in 2019 and 2020: associated effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. PeerJ 10:e13192 This dataset contains 10,703,690 records of running training during 2019 and 2020, from 36,412 athletes from around the world. The records were obtained through web scraping of a large social network for athletes …